Winter. Winter is cold season.The children are very grateful for snow,because you can go sledding,making snowmen and throw snow balls.But unfortunately,snow is rare. Spring is a time of year when everything blooms.Flowers,trees,shrubs Children rest and prepare to teach in the next class. Autumn.Children go to school.While walking rustle the leaves.Fairy-Autumn paints the leaves in yellow,red,crimson color. Every time of the year beautiful! Вибачте,але я перекладачем.Тому,що по-англійськи я погано пишу на клавіатурі.І тому набрала текст на перекладачі а потім скопіювала англійської.Вибачте будь ласка
The new boarder is a small and simple girl, and he forgot her at once. But once he saw her dressing in a beautiful black clothes with hergolden hair under a black veil, and his head turned. He was sorry to know about her trouble. To forget it he invited her for a walk in the park. She SAID she WAS going to get married soon, but her beloved WAS killed in an accident, and she WAS quite alone in the world. Andy assureD her that she WAS NOT alone, he WAS her friend. Miss Conway inventED this story so that she COULD wear black. Black IS a good colour for her. She SAID nobody loveD her, nobody wantED to marry her. But she wantED to be loved and get married. She saID he WAS the only man she LOVED. But now she IS afraid that he leaveS her and she dieS for shame.
6 В
7 D
9 stairs, ink,physics