9 The chef who can't eat his own food
1 Read about the chef with a fear of food.
Underline the correct answer
1 Andrew Forster works in a restaurant in Italy/
an Italian restaurant in England.
2 He cooks all sorts of food / biscuits.
3 He only likes eating biscuits / nothing
4 Every day he usually eats fruit and vegetables / biscuits.
$ If he thinks about other food, he feels ill I excited
6 Hed love to cook lots of food / taste what he cooks.
7 Hel like to eat everything / more biscuits.
8 One man on the TV programme can't kiss his
girlfriend because she doesn't eat vegetables / meat.
2 How many percent of the Russian people continue to holiday somewhere in Russia?
3 What percentage of Russian travelers prefer seaside resorts abroad?
4 How many types of Russian travelers abroad?
5 What percentage of people continue to rest package tour
6 What percentage of independent tourists who travel on their own?
7 What percentage of business travelers go to rest abroad?
8 How many percent of people visiting friends and relatives abroad?
9 How many percent of people travel just over the border?
10 Where tourists abroad often go ?