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The king thought highly of his verses.
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One bright afternoon Major Brown (I — go) out for his usual after-dinner walk. The major (2 — be) a little man, very energetic and strong-looking. Some time before Major Brown (3 — retire) from the army and now (4 — live) on a small pension. He (5 — be) a brave and successful solider but he never (6 — like) being a military man. He (7 — take) a small house in London and (8 — devote) the rest of his life to growing his favourite flowers – pansies in his little garden.
As the major slowly (9 — walk) along a narrow street he suddenly (10 — see) a most pleasant sight. A large, heavy man (11 — push) before him a barrow full of pansies. The major pever (12 — see) such beautiful flowers. He (13 — come) up to the man and (14 — begin) to talk to him. At first he only (15 — want) to buy some of the pansies but finally he (16 — decide) to buy them all.
"I (17 — tell) you something, sir," (18— say) the man and (19 — look) around. "If you (20 — interest) in such things, you just get on to that wall," and the man (21 — point) to the garden wall by which they (22 — stand). "The finest collection of yellow pansies in England (23 — be) in that garden," whispered the man. How it (24 — happen) no one ever (25 — know) but the fact (26 — be) that a second later the major (27 — stand) on the garden wall. At the next moment he (28— forget) everything. In the very centre of the garden he (29 — see) a large bed of the most beautiful yellow pansies. But it (30— be) not the beauty of the pansies that (31 – surprise) him. It (32 — be) something else: the pansies (33 — arrange) in gigantic capital letters which (34 — form) the sentence "Death to Major Brown." An old man (35 — water) them. Brown (36 – look) back at the road behind him. The man with the barrow (37 – disappear). Then he (38 — look) again at the flowerbed that had the terrible words. The evening air (39 – be) so still, the garden (40 — look) so quiet. Suddenly Major Brown (41 — see) the watering can (42 — fall) from the old man's hand.
Dearest person in the world - is, of course, Mom. Because my mother always gentle to your child, always attentive. Who knows how much pain and love can accommodate a mother's heart! After all, when a child is sick, my mother always sympathetic, and treats, and even sick with it. And when the children grow up, all their pain adulthood mother shares with them.
Mother accompany us throughout our lives. And even on the verge of death is not worried about myself - for us, her children. The strength of a mother's love overcomes any distance. And where we were not their concern, their prayers keep us from life's troubles.
Mom - this is the man who teaches by example of tenderness and fidelity, love of neighbor.
Girl takes over from mother's, even small habits. A boy learns from it the rules that would later become his life's credo: Respect the elders, not to hurt the weaker learn what special relationship to the woman who will carry through life. They say that even women themselves are choosing boys resemble their mothers.
How many mothers to see off a son or daughter in the road, a long journey, with no hope of ever see, but always waiting on the doorstep. Mother's house - a house where we always welcome.
Mom can forgive anything, even when the law and the people simply can not. And this is also a great strength of maternal love.
A mother's love "is true, neizmenchivaya." And knowing this, we always pay our mothers as much attention as you want? After all, only a mother would love us always and all, under any circumstances.
For a mother to her child - the best in the world. So says the proverb. And this is true. After all, only a mother can see her child as it should and could be. And we children never forget their mothers. Moms deserve our continued attention and understanding, not just cards and flowers during the holidays. We must take care of our mothers. After all, when they are gone, who will protect us?