Her mother drives her to school every day. Нужно перевести в пассивный залог. Какой порядок слов: She is driven by her mother to school every day или She is driven to school by her mother every day?
I think sport is very important in our live. It's popular both among young and old people. People go in for different kinds of sport They are: hockey, football, golf, cycling, basketball etc. Everybody may choose the sport he is interested in. There are PT lessons in every school. Students play basketball and volleyball at the lessons. Some people like to take part in sport competitions and others like to watch them. I think most people like watching more than participating. Many people say that sport takes a lot of time and energy. I think so too. That's why sport is for strong and purposefull people.To have good results in sport you need to train very hard.. Sport teaches people to win and to lose . Also sport keeps your mind healthy. I'd like to try to do figure skating and artistic gymnastics, for artistic gymnastics is my favourite sport.
Sport is very good. It's makes us healthier and stronger. All people in the world like sport and sport games. There are many proffesional sportsmens in out country. (если занимаешься спортом, то напиши еще предложение: I'm going to be a famous sportsmen!). In Russia a lot of stadiums, swimming pools, gyms, soccer fields. In the morning and in the evening you can see people running in parks, stadiums and even in the streets. In each school, students spend a lot of time working out. First of all, they have physical education classes. And after school, they can work in a variety of sports clubs and sections, doing different kinds of sports. In our country, a lot of attention is paid to professional sports. Every year a lot of sporting events, sports days and competitions.