There are over 200 countryes in the world. All of them has got laws.The maim law is the constitusion. Law is aimed at protecting the person from the outside world, and the duties are intended to improve the world, to protect nature and to serve his country. Under the Constitution, every person has their rights and duties, which help him to live with dignity in society. Society is incredibly complex system, and people with their rights and duties must do everything to get it improved. The words of the famous sociologist Karl Marx, "no rights without duties and duties without rights." Then the older the person becomes, the more he has duties. So, the one who defends their rights and forget about responsibilities put himself in danger to build with one hand and the other to destroy. There are personal political, socio – economic and cultural rights. Civil law is the basis.
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1. I adore that girl so much.
2. Katy is the most gentle soul I've ever met in my whole life.
3. They agreed not to hunt in that area.
4. Jenny always said you were honest and loyal.
5. I have a feeling tonight's going to be very memorable.
6. They have alien abductions around these parts all the time.
7. He is always as busy as a bee.
8. It really was the most beautiful butterfly.
9. I think she thought it was a worm.
10. I once saw a zebra give birth at the zoo and, I cried hysterically.
11. Jack is wise enough not to do such a thing.
12. That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten.
13. Ethan and Grayson caught the fox with a trap.
14. The United States of America is independent since 1776.
15. George recently graduated from university.
16. Emma would like to study graphic design and English when she is older.
17. The therapist hypnotised Damon and asked him questions about his traumatic experience in the war.