Fact number 17. From a bottle of German beer you drunk faster than from a draft.
Fact number 18. The Germans will never climb into the fray. If the fight does begin, then it will go to the last.
Fact number 19. To garbage in Germany, too, special requirements: it is divided into food and plastic.
Fact number 20. In Germany, about 250 magazines and newspapers are published in Russian.
Fact number 21. In Hamburg, there are a lot of bridges: about 2500 pieces. This is more than in London, Amsterdam and Venice combined.
Fact number 22. On average, men in Germany live 78 years, and women - 83 years.
вот перевод если понадобится
Когда дедушка и бабушка сделают колобка, колобок сбежит от них. На своём пути он встретит зайца, волка, медведя. Он от них сбежит. Но от лисы он не убежит, она съест Колобка.