1 England might win the World Cup. Who knows? указывает на ответ
2 People won’t go on holiday in space. It’s impossible
3 I am sure I will pass the exams because I studied a lot
4 More tourists will go to Antarctica/ It’s becoming popular
5 People might go on holiday in space. It’s possible
6 I won’t become a driver. I don’t like it.
might указывает на сомненья, не точно, а will - уверенность.
Translate into English
7 через, вокруг, над, в, вниз, вверх, по направлению к, сквозь.
Посмотри в словаре. 21 век- интернет тоже в курсе.
Open the brackets using first conditional.
If + Present Simple( s если he she it, если отрицательное don't doesn't) will + verb (глагол)
8 We will not play tennis if it rains.
9 If I get money, I will buy that jacket.
10 If the bus doesn't come, I will walk home.
Write negative sentence using -to be going to(собираться что-то делать).
1 17 We are not going to catch that train.
2 18 He is not going to buy a new sofa.
he she it - is not
we they you - are not
I- am not
Complete the questions.
1 22 When am I going to phone him tomorrow? (When …?)
2 23 How many friends are going to arrive today. (How many friends …?)
3 24 How much are we going to pay for her? (How much …?)
4 25 Mum is going to see her dentist on Monday. (When…?)
5 26 I am going to wear a white dress tonight. (Why…?)
These are the main actions that will make the village clean and continue to keep it clean. You should always look for ways to improve the village itself.
Короче, использовал самое простое, как раз для 5-9 классов.