On the other hand, space exploration is also very important. With new knowledge, humanity has new opportunities, new boundaries open. In addition, many say that in the future it is planned to "move" to the moon. But before doing this, you need to fully understand what is happening. New discoveries, new technologies. Also, when studying space and observing, gaining new knowledge - scientists can foresee and protect us from any disasters that could cause great harm, so this is important for our own safety. However strange it may be, the study of the cosmos has helped to make some discoveries in medicine, which greatly simplified the lives of many people, it is not known what awaits it yet.
Мама, давай возьмем мне номер с односпальной кроватью? Сыночек, мы не сможем снять тебе номер, так как у тебя нет паспорта. Работник отеля спрашивает: «Вам чем нибудь Подскажите у вас есть номер с большой ванной комнатой? К сожалению этот номер занят, может выберете что-нибудь другое? Номер рядом с бассейном. Вы выбрали очень уютный номер. Утром официанты будут вам приносить напитки. А теперь будьте добры дать мне ваш паспорт, чтобы я внёс данные в компьютер. «Хорошо»,-сказала мама. Работник проводил нас до номера. Потрясающий номер с большой королевской кроватью. Мама, я так счастлив!
Mom, let's take my room with a single bed? Son, we can not get you a number, since you do not have a passport. The hotel worker asks: "Can I help you?) Can you please tell me if you have a room with a large bathroom? Unfortunately this number is busy, can you choose something else? Room near the pool. You have chosen a very cozy room. In the morning, the waiters will bring you drinks. Now please give me your passport so that I can put the data into the computer. "Good," said my mother. The employee accompanied us to the number. Stunning room with a large royal bed. Mom, I'm so happy!