22. Complete the sentences below by making the words in parentheses a single word with either a prefix or a suffix.
1. 1 am (full of thanks) to have such a loving family.
2. Will saw a (without a home) puppy wandering around town.
3. She looks (full of beauty) in that dress.
4. The squirrels in the backyard are (without harm).
5. Did you see the (full of colour ) rainbow in the sky
6. This broken toy is a (without worth) piece of junk.
7. He is (not able) to beat me in the video game.
8. The teacher said she does not want (not finished) homework handed in.
9. He usually (does not obey) his parents. 10. My shoe is (not tied).
11. She always (does not agree) with me.
12. He (buttoned) his jacket when he came inside the house.
13. Please help your mother (load) the groceries from the car.
14. She was (happy) with the low test scores.
15. She was (able) to visit her friend because she had a lot of homework to do.
Dear Mr Murray,
Please accept our apologies for the recent problems you had regarding our delivery service.
Our company recently had experienced some problems with the software. The vendor has since applied a patch, and our systems are now 100% functional. Please be assured that you will receive your order not later, than the day after tomorrow.
To compensate for the inconvenience caused we have applied a 20% discount on equipment you ordered. We value your custom highly.
Nick Harley
Customer Service Manager
Уважаемый Г-Н Мюррей,
Приносим свои извинения за недавние проблемы, связанные с нашей службой доставки.
Наша компания недавно испытала некоторые проблемы с программным обеспечением. С тех пор поставщик применил патч, и наши системы теперь на 100% функциональны. Будьте уверены, что вы получите свой заказ не позднее, чем послезавтра.
Для компенсации причиненных неудобств мы применили скидку 20% на заказанное вами оборудование. Мы оцениваем вашу таможню сильно.
Ник Харви
Менеджер По Обслуживанию Клиентов