Pallas. Pallas is widespread in Central and Central Asia, South Caucasus and from Iran to Western Transbaikalia, Mongolia and Northwest Kitaya.Manul - an animal the size of a home at the Pallas cat koshku.Golova small, with small rounded ears that are wide apart. The eyes are yellow, the pupils of which the bright light in contrast to the pupils of the eyes domestic cat does not become slit-like shape, but remain at kruglymi.Meh Man'ula most fluffy and thick among cats. Color fur light gray with narrow dark cross poloskami.Voloski have white tips, leaving the impression that the fur Man'ula priporoshit snegom.Manul active mostly at dusk and early morning; day sleeping in the shelter. Lair satisfied in the crevices of rocks, small caves, under rocks, in old burrows of marmots, foxes, manul barsukovKormitsya rodents, squirrels, rabbits and ptitsami.Manul - the slow and clumsy wild kotov.Manul listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation НА РУССКОМ Манул. Манул распространён в Центральной и Средней Азии, от Южного Закавказья и западного Ирана до Забайкалья,Монголии и Северо-Западного Китая.Манул — животное размером с домашнюю кошку.Голова у манула небольшая, с маленькими округлыми ушками, которые широко расставлены. Глаза жёлтые, зрачки которых при ярком свете в отличие от зрачков глаз домашней кошки не приобретают щелевидную форму, а остаются круглыми.Мех у манула самый пушистый и густой среди кошачьих. Окрас меха светло-серого цвета с узкими тёмными поперечными полосками.Волоски имеют белые кончики, в результате чего создаётся впечатление, что мех манула припорошен снегом.Манул активен преимущественно в сумерках и ранним утром; днём спит в укрытии. Логово устраивает в расщелинах скал, небольших пещерах, под камнями, в старых норах сурков, лисиц, барсуковКормится манул грызунами, сусликами, зайцами и птицами.Манул — самый медлительный и неповоротливый из диких котов.Манул занесён в Красную книгу Российской Федера
Vasco da Gama ( AKA Vasco de Gama) The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Vasco da Gama: Nationality - Portuguese Lifespan - 1469 - 1524 Family - Father was Estevao da Gama a Portuguese noble and Courtier Education - Well educated befitting his status Career - Explorer and NavigatorFamous for : Discovered an ocean route from Portugal to the East, assumed to be impossible feat as it was believed that the Indian Ocean was not connected to any other seas Facts, Timeline & History about the life of Vasco da Gama - Explorer and Navigator
The following are additional facts and a timeline about the life and history of Vasco da Gama: Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Province of Alemtejo, Portugal He came from a noble Portuguese family and his father was a distinguished soldier who attended the Portuguese court
Vasco da Gama was well educated as befitted his status and would have been taught several languages, physics, geometry, mathematics and astronomy