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The instructor told us (that/what) we should bring with us.
The instructor told us (that/what) we should bring warm clothes .
I know (that/what) some mushrooms are poisonous.
I am not sure (that/what) kinds of mushrooms are edible.
Tim can’t go to the concert (because/that) he is busy.
(If /when) she is free today, he might be at the conference.
Do you know the reason (why/that) Maria was late?
The castle (where/what) we once had dinner has disappeared.
I wonder (if/why) penguins don’t fly.
We know (because/that) she is pretty.
15. avoid, enjoy, give up, keep, mind.
a) verbs always followed by the –ing form (gerund)
b) verbs followed either by the –ing form (gerund) or by the infinitive with little or no change in their meaning
c) verbs followed either by the –ing form (gerund) or by the infinitive with a change in their meaning
15. избегай, наслаждайся, сдавайся, держись, помни.
а) глаголы всегда сопровождаются формой-ing (герундий)
б) глаголы, за которыми следует либо форма –ing (герундий), либо инфинитив с небольшим или вообще без изменения их значения
в) глаголы, за которыми следует либо форма –ing (герундий), либо инфинитив с изменением их значения