1. The sun was shining when I woke up this morning. (Солнце светило, когда я проснулся этим утром.)
2. It was raining when I left the office. (Шёл дождь, когда я покинул офис.)
3. I was eating dinner when you called me. (Я обедал, когда ты позвонил мне.)
4. She got very sick while she was travelling overseas. (Она очень сильно заболела, когда путешествовала за границей.)
5. Martin was working in the garden when it started to rain. (Мартин работал в саду, когда начался дождь.)
6. I was cooking dinner when the phone rang. (Я готовил обед, когда телефон зазвонил.)
7. Mr. Johnson cut himself while he was shaving. (Мистер Джонсон порезался, когда он брился.)
8. She fell asleep while she was watching the movie. (Она уснула в то время, как смотрела фильм.)
9. Andrea broken her ankle when she was skating. (Андреа сломала её лодыжку, когда она каталась на скейте.)
10. I saw a bad accident while I was driving home. (Я увидел ужасную аварию, когда ехал домой.)
11. She found a ten dollar bill while she was walking home. (Она нашла 10-долларовую банкноту, когда шла домой.)
My favorite writer is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. He was a dramatist and is considered to be one of the greatest writers of short stories in history.
From all his works most of all I like Chekhov's tragicomedy "The cherry garden". As for me, this work teaches us a lot about our life, our history and the relationships among generations. It shows us the relationships between members of one family, but I think it can be applied to the relationships between nations and countries.
Although The cherry garden is a tragicomedy, Chekhov's style may be characterized as an impressionist one. He used a lot of sadness, absence of basic information in introductions and conclusions, and always writing to the point.