1. When Mike told his _colleagues_ that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a going-away present. 2. Don’t worry, Ted will be here on time; he’s very _reliable_. 3. Sarah is a pretty girl with blue eyes and a __slim_ build. 4. When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just _shrugged_ his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them. 5. Diana is so _stubborn_ ! 6. We’re not really friends, we’re just _acquaintances__. 7. I don’t think Lyn is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t _got over_ her cold. 8. Dan was _tapping_ his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.
Mushroom cream soup — грибной суп-пюре
Chicken broth — куриный бульон
Fish soup — рыбный суп
Miso soup — мисо-суп
Vegetable soup — овощной суп
Goulash soup — суп-гуляш
Caesar salad (with shrimp, chicken, salmon) — салат Цезарь (с креветками, курицей, семгой)
Greek salad — Греческий салат
Prawn cocktail — салат-коктейль из креветок
Garden fresh salad — салат из свежих овощей
Platter (cheese, fruit, fish, meat) — тарелка-ассорти (сырная, фруктовая, рыбная, мясная)
Carpaccio from beef tenderloin — карпаччо из сырой говяжьей вырезки
Seafood pasta — паста с морепродуктами
Tiramisu — Тирамису
Homemade apple tart — домашний яблочный пирог
Cherry pie — вишневый пирог
Chocolate brownie — шоколадный брауни
Ice-cream — мороженое
Vanilla pudding — ванильный пудинг
Coffee — кофе
Americano — американо
Cappucino — капучино
Latte — латте
Cocoa — какао
Still water — вода без газа
Sparkling water — вода с газом
Juice — сок
Milkshake — молочный коктейль
Lemonade — лимонад
Wine — вино
Semi-sweet wine — полусладкое вино
Semi-dry wine — полусухое вино
Sparkling wine — игристое вино