1) Were you working when I rang? No, I was not 2) Did you see me on television? Yes, I did. 3) What were you doing when they arrived? I was reading the paper. 4) Were they working hard? No, they were not 5) Was she crying when you saw her? Yes, she was 6) Were they speak to you when you met? No, they were not 7)Peter was still lying in bed so he did not hear the doorbell. 8) Did the police find the man? No they did not He was hiding in an empty building 9) I was looking for some photos when you rang but I was not find them
Во все времена люди были подвержены болезням.И если они имели wou Во все времена люди были подвержены болезням.И если они были раны ,он относился к ней инстинктивно.Первое их действие было сосать или лизать ее. И так, с инстинкты человека лечили долго, Но, как проходили столетия ,люди развивались ,учились новое.Первыми цивилизованные люди стали древние Египтяне Они изучали человека тело.Потом индейцев в Мексике,который используется наркотики.Также наука развивалась и в Перу,Индии и Китае.В Китай иглотерапию и нашли около двух тысяч лекарственных веществ.
No, I was not
2) Did you see me on television?
Yes, I did.
3) What were you doing when they arrived?
I was reading the paper.
4) Were they working hard?
No, they were not
5) Was she crying when you saw her?
Yes, she was
6) Were they speak to you when you met?
No, they were not
7)Peter was still lying in bed so he did not hear the doorbell.
8) Did the police find the man?
No they did not
He was hiding in an empty building
9) I was looking for some photos when you rang but
I was not find them