Упражнение 4. Какими прилагательными можно описать одежду и обувь?
Заполни таблицу этими словами: Short, cheap, messy, everyday,
old-fashioned, striped, tidy, expensive, beautiful, dark, checked, pink, black
and white, formal, fantastic, boring, long, bright, summer, smart, baggy,
b) I don't have many friends, but all of them are worthy.
c) He doesn't earn a lot of money, but enough to live on.
d) How many times have you been abroad?
e) A lot of people come to see the gallery.
2. a) I've got little time. I won't manage to do it by 5 o'clock.
b) There are a few cars in the street. At least 10 in our street.
c) He feels lonely, he has got few friends.
d) He's had quite a few occasions to tell me about it, but he didn't.
e) It's very boring. There is little to do here.