Вставок нужное время Mr.Brown (be)_probable_in the office around nine tomorrow morning. Thanks for reminding me.(call)_her rihht away Next September he (work)_here for ten years alrady
Cat is 5not 54484th grade in all of this is an easy to answer and I don't know whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow what
1) 6 Continents and 5 oceans 2) UK,London,Canada,Ottawa,Australia,New Zeland 3) Europe and Asia, Africa, Australia, North America and South America 4) The largest country in the world is Russia. The smallest country is the Vatican 5) English language 6)In the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand people use English as their native language. These are English-speaking countries 7)The capital of the UK is London,The capital of the USA is Washington DC,The capital of Canada is Ottawa,The capital of Australia is Canberra, The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
Cat is 5not 54484th grade in all of this is an easy to answer and I don't know whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow what
know whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow what 50 соз пхахпхахпхахаххахпха