These true stories are actual personal experiences of the authors and include past life memories and recollections.
Have you ever felt as if you'd visited a particular place before even though it's your first visit? Or perhaps you feel drawn to a certain period of time before your birth and can recall details and images as if they happened yesterday. If you feel like an "old soul", perhaps you are experiencing a past life.
For some, details of past lives filter in through their dreams when they sleep. Others use guided hypnosis, typically called Past Life Regression. Yet others just seem to "know." The latter is especially true with young children. There are entire books and websites devoted to children and past life experiences.
Although awareness and interest in past lives has been around for many years, past lives is a relatively new category for Archive X, making its debut in July of 2005. If you have a story to add, we'd be happy to receive new past life submissions.
Definition of a past life experience
That was long ago. I was walking down the street. Suddenly a huge dog appeared in front of me. I got very scared. The dog came around, sniffed, and growled. Suddenly it lunged forward and grabbed my leg. I felt strong pain in my right leg. I managed to escape from its teeth and I ran away as fast as I could. The leg, however, was very painful later, but the bite was not serious.
Это было очень давно. Я шел вниз по улице. Внезапно передо мной появилась огромная собака. Мне стало очень страшно. Пес подошел поближе, принюхался и зарычал. Внезапно он рванулся вперед и схватил меня за ногу. Я почувствовал сильную боль в правой ноге. Мне удалось вырваться из его зубов, и я побежал так быстро, как только мог. Нога, правда, потом сильно болела, но укус был несерьезный.
ответ зависит от отвечающего на во Спрашивается: «Как часто вы едите...»
1 eat out - на улице ( или не дома )
2 eat homemade food - домашнюю еду
3 eat junk food like burgers - нездоровую пищу как бургеры
4 drink fizzy drinks - пьёте шипучие (газированные) напитки
5 drink water - пьёте воду
6 order a takeaway - заказываете на дом
7 eat snacks between meals - едите закуски между едой
8 eat fruit - едите фрукты
В столбике поставить галочку
Everyday (каждый день)
Often (часто)
Sometimes (иногда)