19 Let me just make a note of your phone number. (write)
Let me just write down your phone number.
20 Do you think going to university in another country is a good idea? (favour)
Are you in favour of going to university in another country?
21 The exam started at nine and we wrote for three hours until twelve. (writing)
When the exam finished at twelve, we had been writing for three hours.
22 Why don't you start to run and see if that helps you lose weight? (up )
Why don't you take up running and see if that helps you lose weight?
23 I did German lessons until last year, but stopped because I didn't have time. (used)
l used to do/learn German but stopped last year because I didn't have time.
24 When you make a mistake, put a line through it and write the correct answer above. (cross )
When you make a mistake, cross it out and write the correct answer above.
25 Have you played Monopoly before? (time )
Is this the first time you have played Monopoly?
26 I started studying at six and now it's ten o'clock. (for)
It's ten o'clock and I have been studying for four hours.
Hi Lindsay!
How are you? Thanks for your e-mail. I was sorry to hear that you've split (1) up with Derek. I hope he wasn't too upset! I know you're going to be jealous (2) of me, but I'm going (3) on holiday with a group of friends (4) in the summer! We're going go camping for two weeks. The summer holidays start (6) on 15th July and we'll arrive (7) at the camping site the next day. I can't wait! It's not too far (8) from my house — just a short train ride — but it's right by the sea, so we can go swimming every day. I'm really proud (9) of my parents for saying I'm old enough to go away without them! Anyway, I've got to go now. See you (10) in a couple of weeks!
1. Tom didn't ride a bike
Did Tom ride a bike?
2. Larry didn't write a poem
Did Larry write a poem?
3.Chuckles didn't play ball.
Did Chuckles play ball?