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( Россия, Великий Новгород)
Alaska is in the northwest coner of the USA. Temperatures in Alaska in the summer vary from 16°C to 10°C. Late August and September are cool. Winters are cold with lots of snow.
If you decide to visit "The Great Land", make sure you pack the right clothes.
ответ:про александра овечкина)
Аlexander’s father, Mikhail, is a professional soccer player, and Alex’s mother, Tatyana, has won two ‘Olympic’ gold medals as part of the Russian women’s basketball team.
Ovechkin cultivated an interest in hockey at a very tender age. Alexander was two years old when he first picked up a hockey stick. The boy very loved watching hockey games, and always protesting whenever his parents tried to switch the channel. When Alex was 8, he began to go to the hockey section. His parents were against hobbies of their son, considering this sport very traumatic. So Alexander had to leave the section.