Reptiles are vertebrates that have successfully adapted to life on land.
Рептилии – это позвоночные, которые успешно при к жизни на суше.
They have a scaly skin to avoid drying out
У них чешуйчатая кожа, чтобы избежать высыхания,
and have well-developed lungs to breathe in air.
и хорошо развитые легкие, чтобы дышать воздухом.
Most reptiles lay eggs that have food and water in the waterproof shell.
Большинство рептилий кладут яйца, в которых содержится пища и вода в водонепроницаемой скорлупе.
These characteristics enable them to survive in dry places.
Эти характеристики дают им возможность выживать в засушливых местах.
Reptiles are ectothermic,
Рептилии – эктотермы,
which means their body temperature varies with the surroundings.
а это означает, что температура их тела отличается от температуры окружающей среды.
There are three main groups of reptiles:
Существует три основных группы рептилий:
snakes and lizards,
змеи и ящерицы,
crocodiles and alligators,
крокодилы и аллигаторы,
and turtles.
и черепахи.
Dear Friend,
It has come to my attention that you your hobby might have turned into an addiction. Last time I spoke with your mother you she'd told me you play more than six hours every day and that makes me worry about you!
I know it's difficult to stop, but think about your friends who are missing you. Instead of playing video games the whole day I suggest we can go out and play football or basketball. I remember that you always wanted to be professional football player.
You can always count on me and if you need any help I'm here to support you even if it requires me to take your Playstation away!
Best Regards,
The pizza is made by Moby.
cut put cut put
The sandwich is cut in two pieces.
Apples are put in the bowl.
The houses are built very fast.
The food is bought by my mom. The thieves are caught by the police.