1. I browse through Odnoklassniki every day.
2. Domain names can be sold at high prices.
3. Lots of goods are shopped online.
4. E- trade is very convenient.
5. He bought the present via the internet.
1. Odnoklassniki is visited by millions of people.
2. Buying via internet is a great option.
3. I often shop online.
4. E- commerce is very comfortable.
5. He bought the present via the internet.
1. People's life hasn't been changed by the internet.
2. He didn't pay cash to the delivery man.
3. This site isn't often visited.
4. The money wasn't withdrawn two hours ago.
5. They didn't buy domain name two years ago.
1. What is invented every year?
2. When will this domain have been bought?
3. How long has Rostelecom been my internet provider?
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