Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, во и отрицательную формы Future Simple.
I (to do) morning exercises. 2. He (to work) at a factory. 3. She (to sleep) after dinner. 4. We (to work) part-time. 5. They (to drink) tea every day.
Adam was born on 29, January 1982, in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from the Carmel High School, where she studied theater arts, he sang in its choir, played in a jazz orchestra.Adam was ten, when he first appeared on the scene. In 2005 year, Adam sang the hymn to the world with Noa Dori and Maya Hadi.When Adam was 27 years old, he took part in the most popular in America program, American Idol, and he immediately was interested for jury and spectators. In fact, he was special and very talented. Since 2004 Lambert, together with Carmit Bachar, the member of the band the Pussycat Dolls, regularly appears in the popular project of the Zodiac Show. The debut album "For Your Entertainment" appeared on November 23, 2009. Achievements and awards: Victory on the prize "Molaoi Hollywood" in the category "Artist of the year (2009) The award "Teen Choice Awards" in the category "Star of the reality show" (2009) The victory in "MuchMusic Video Awards" in the nomination "the Most viewed video for the clip "Whataya Want from Me" (2010) Finalist in the eighth season of the reality show American Idol.
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He will work at a factory
She will sleep after dinner
We will work past-time
They will drink tea every day