Sample questions and mark schema
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3
Taski. Listen to the conversation between the travel tour guide and the tous station
(IIpocrymat CD3 Tapesong 2 And transcript for listening task can be found for
Put in order three places that the tour guide will visit first. Bubepu no
очередности дервые три места, которые гидроСВІТ. [3]
London Eve
Madame Tussauds Museum
Touer Brides
Tower of London
House of Parliament
Budangham Palace
Choose the right option.(Bbőepu opaen ILUMOTBCT)
Oxford Sement
D Taking pictures
1 ԱՐcil = 1)
A Torser or london
B Buckingham Palace
Toner Badee
— Where are the children?
— They are in the yard.
— What they are doing?
— They are feeding the birds.
— Where is our Head Teacher?
— He is in his study.
— What he is doing?
— He is making a schedule.
— Where are the girls and boys?
— They are in the cinema.
— What they are doing?
— They are watching a film.
— Where are our friends?
— They are at school.
— What they are doing?
— They are learning.
— Where is the puppy?
— The puppy is in the hall.
— What it is doing?
— It is playing with a ball.