Williamsburg (to be) is a city in Virginia. Some people from England (to move) moved there in 1633.They (to name) named the settlement after King William 3. Today many tourists (to visit) visit Williamsburg,. They can even (to see) see where Patrick Henry made a famous speech. Text 2 Chess (to be) is one of the oldest games. In fact, chess (to originate) originated in India in the sixth or seventh century AD. The game's popularity quickly spread through Persia and form Spainiard Ruy Lopez de Segura, who in 1561 (to write) wrote the first book on how to play the game. In it, he (to introduce) introduced the concept of 'castling', which had not been part of the game until then.
2. The United States is notorious .for its lawlessness and high crime rates.
3. In urban ghettos the crime rate is so high that many people live in constant fear of crime.
4. Many of the people involved in illegal activity belong to organized crime network.
5. The direct costs of crime in cash, cars and personal property comes up to an enormous sum of money.
6. The money spent on public safety include police, courts, prisons and parole systems.
7. The number of people arrested for drug-related violence has doubled in recent years.
8. The president says that illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.