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Earth Hour
Every year millions of buildings around the world become dark for one hour. This event is called Earth Hour and it usually takes place at the end of March.
The event is organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). It started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia, when 2 million people turned off all lights for an hour. The main idea is to draw attention to environmental problems and to ask people to do something positive to help the planet. And it’s great that people of all ages, nationalities, races and backgrounds can join this event.
Since 2007 Earth Hour has grown to a massive global event. The next year already more than 35 countries participated in the event. In 2013, already millions of people in 7,000 cities and towns around the world switched off their lights for 60 minutes.
Every year well-known buildings around the world take part in Earth Hour. For instance, the Sydney Opera House, the Petronas towers in Malaysia, the UK Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the Empire State Building in New York. They all go “dark”, for Earth Hour. The campaign even went into space when astronauts reduced power on the International Space Station in 2011.
In 2013 in the UK, a popular pop group gave a live concert without electricity for Earth Hour. They were wearing panda costumes, because panda is the WWF’s symbol. Famous chefs created special recipes which families could prepare and eat by candlelight. Actors and TV personalities
recorded Rudyard Kipling’s famous “Just So Stories” so that families could listen to them by candlelight.
1. Earth Hour is an event that is held globally every year.
2. Earth Hour events started in Malaysia in 2007.
3. Earth Hour helps save a lot of energy and money.
4. The WWF wants to make people think about environment.
5. More people take part in Earth Hour every year.
6. Famous buildings switch on their lights for Earth Hour.
7. Famous chefs and singers are members of the WWF.
8. British families should use candles for Earth Hour.




3.-Not Stated




7.-Not Stated


4,8(86 оценок)
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Don't think the world in 100 years will be very different from today's.
At least not as much as today's world differs from the world in 1908.
No flying flyers most likely will not appear.
Ride will also, on machines with four wheels. Only work they would no longer be on the products of oil refining.
Well public transport will be better, trains on a magnetic pillow, etc.
One thing is for sure, it will be a world without oil, gas, coal and uranium.
All fossil fuels will be exhausted within the 21st century.
And the world would have to change.
The main problem of the world of the future will be energy. On thermonuclear stupid to hope, thermonuclear energy, even if such reactors will be created will cost much more expensive than energy from coal, for example.
What else will and what will not?
Different languages and races are not going anywhere. Will be black and white, yellow and blue =)
Politically the world is unlikely to become one. Different countries will exist. Economically, except that, the planet will rally. But it's already happening.
So the world has changed dramatically, has become completely unified, it is necessary to take place and the dramatic event.
World war, a meeting with extraterrestrial intelligence, the fall of an asteroid =)
I think without skyscrapers, with lots of forests and animals, with clean oceans, seas, lakes,.. . Without borders and States, a free human society.. . A surprising number of creative people who freely with each other communicate and develop! Money is only the form of electronic maps and if they'll ever be needed! I think that people will learn to communicate without the help of improvised means, but using the mind, the subconscious!! ! Not all cars running on oil resources, all kinds of energy resources will move to solar, wind and I think that will open up another source of energy which now little who knows.. . There is no family, just people or groups of people who like to live together, and children will educate all his children will be wiser and smarter.. . Like this I want to see planet Earth in 100 years.. 
4,5(53 оценок)
Historical references to postal systems in Egypt date from about 2000 ВС. That time mail was carried from place to place by horse or horse-drawn wagon. It was predominantly government mail. On the other side of the world, in China, mail service had been started early in 12th century ВС. It was used mostly to convey official documents.
   The Roman Empire built the most advanced postal delivery system known until that time except for the service in China. In the Roman Empire reliable communication from Rome to governors and military officials in faraway provinces was a necessity. The speed with which government dispatches and other mail could be carried about the empire was amazing for that time. In Europe of the 19th century, stagecoaches began to carry letters and packages, but most mail was still being transported the same way as in the Roman Empire.
   Since that time many things have changed. Today we can send our letters using also airmail, the quickest mailing service.
   Nowadays there are post-offices in every town and city. If you want to post an ordinary letter or a postcard, you need to buy an envelope with required stamp, write the address on it and put your letter in and send it. For a registered letter, an airmail letter or an ordinary letter to another country, one must buy and stick other stamps on the envelope.
   If you want to send a telegram, you can either take it to the nearest post-office or dictate it over the telephone. But if you have the Internet, there is no need to go to the local post-office, you can just connect to the Internet and using your mail program, send a letter or letters to where you need. The only condition is whether your recipient has or not a computer and the Internet. E-mail is cheaper and instant.
   If you want to use traditional method and would like your letter to arrive more quickly, you can send it by airmail or express mail.
   If you want to send a parcel, you must go to the post-office, hand your parcel to an assistant, who weighs it on scales and gives you the necessary stamps. The amount you have to pay depends on the weight of the parcel.

Почтовая служба

   Исторические ссылки на почтовые системы Египта датируются приблизительно 2000 годом до нашей эры. Почту того времени перевозили с места на место на лошадях, или гужевым фургоном. В то время преобладала правительственная почта. В другой части мира, в Китае, почтовая служба появилась в начале 12-го столетия до нашей эры. Она использовалась, главным образом, для передачи официальных документов.
   Римская империя создала самую развитую систему доставки почты того времени, не считая почтовую службу Китая. В Римской империи была необходима надежная связь Рима с губернаторами и военными должностными лицами в отдаленных провинциях. Скорость, с которой правительственные депеши и другая почта передвигалась по империи, была удивительной для того времени. В Европе 19-го столетия почтовые дилижансы начали перевозить письма и пакеты, но большинство почты все еще транспортировалось таким же как к в Римской империи.
   С того времени изменилось многое. Сегодня мы можем посылать наши письма, используя также и авиапочту, самую быструю службу доставки почты.
   В настоящее время почта есть в каждом городе и городке. Если вы хотите отправить по почте обычное письмо или открытку, вы должны купить конверт с требуемой маркой, написать адрес на этом конверте, поместить в него ваше письмо и отправить. Для заказного письма, письма, отправляемого авиапочтой, или обычного письма в другую страну, нужно купить и приклеить на конверт другие марки.
   Если вы хотите послать телеграмму, вы можете или прийти на ближайшую почту, или продиктовать ее по телефону.
   Но если у вас есть интернет, вам не нужно идти на ближайшую почту, вы можете просто подключиться к интернету и, используя свою почтовую программу, отправить письмо или несколько писем тому, кому захотите. Единственное условие состоит в том, имеет ли ваш получатель компьютер и интернет или нет. Электронная почта дешевле и доходит мгновенно.
   Если вы хотите использовать традиционный метод доставки и хотели бы, чтобы ваше письмо прибыло побыстрее, вы можете воспользоваться услугами авиапочты или экспресс-почты.
   Если вы хотите послать посылку, вы должны пойти на почту, вручить вашу посылку почтовому работнику, который взвесит ее навесах и даст вам необходимые марки. Сумма, которую вы должны оплатить, зависит от веса посылки.
4,5(80 оценок)
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