1. Ben said that he couldn't find his wallet.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Ben says "I can't find my wallet." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "he" and the verb "can't" to "couldn't" to match the past tense.
2. Cathy said that she had never been jet-skiing.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Cathy says "I've never been jet-skiing." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "she" and the verb "have" to "had" to match the past tense.
3. Liam said that he would watch the documentary with me tonight.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Liam says "I'll watch the documentary with you tonight." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "he" and the modal verb "will" to "would" to express willingness in the past.
4. George said that they couldn't go out because it was stormy.
Explanation: In the direct speech, George says "We can't go out because it's stormy." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and keep the pronoun "we" and the verb "can't" as "couldn't" to match the past tense. We also change the pronoun "it" to "was" to match the past tense.
5. Harriet said that the volcano had erupted twice that year.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Harriet says "The volcano has erupted twice this year." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "the" to "the" and the verb "has erupted" to "had erupted" to match the past tense.
6. Chris said that he would probably study maths at college.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Chris says "I'll probably study maths at college." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "he" and the modal verb "will" to "would" to express willingness in the past.
7. Joe said that they could visit the aquarium that day.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Joe says "We can visit the aquarium today." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and keep the pronoun "we" and the verb "can" as "could" to match the past tense.
8. Mandy said that a new florist's had opened in town.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Mandy says "A new florist's has opened in town." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "a" to "a" and the verb "has opened" to "had opened" to match the past tense.
1) Поставим глагол "to go" в Present Simple, согласуем его в лице и числе с подлежащим:
1) The girl goes.
Обоснование: В Present Simple глагол "to go" приобретает форму "goes" в третьем лице единственного числа, поэтому для подлежащего "The girl" мы используем форму "goes".
2) We go.
Обоснование: В Present Simple глагол "to go" имеет форму "go" во всех лицах и числах, кроме третьего лица единственного числа. Для подлежащего "We" мы используем форму "go".
3) The students go.
Обоснование: В Present Simple глагол "to go" имеет форму "go" во всех лицах и числах, кроме третьего лица единственного числа. Для подлежащего "The students" мы используем форму "go".
4) The schoolboy goes.
Обоснование: В Present Simple глагол "to go" приобретает форму "goes" в третьем лице единственного числа, поэтому для подлежащего "The schoolboy" мы используем форму "goes".
5) I go.
Обоснование: В Present Simple глагол "to go" имеет форму "go" во всех лицах и числах, кроме третьего лица единственного числа. Для подлежащего "I" мы используем форму "go".
6) You go.
Обоснование: В Present Simple глагол "to go" имеет форму "go" во всех лицах и числах, кроме третьего лица единственного числа. Для подлежащего "You" мы используем форму "go".
2) Формы глаголов "to go" и "to listen" в Past Simple:
форма 1 - to go, to listen (Base Form)
форма 2 - went, listened
форма 3 - gone, listened
3) Поставим глагол "to go" в Future Simple, согласуем его в лице и числе с подлежащим:
1) The girl will go.
2) We will go.
3) The student will go.
4) The schoolboy will go.
5) I will go.
6) You will go.
4) Выделим сказуемое, определим его время (Simple) и переведем предложения:
1) Время сказуемого: Past Simple. Перевод: Они слушали радио вечером.
2) Время сказуемого: Future Simple. Перевод: Наши специалисты примут участие в строительстве космического корабля.
3) Время сказуемого: Present Simple. Перевод: Радио передает различные виды программ.
4) Время сказуемого: Past Simple. Перевод: В детстве он хотел быть машинистом.
5) Время сказуемого: Future Simple. Перевод: Завтра мы пойдем на эту лекцию.
5) Раскроем скобки, поставим сказуемое в нужное время по смыслу или по указанию. Согласуем его с подлежащим:
1) Children go to school when they are 7. (Present Simple)
2) Past. At ten o'clock the secretary opened the door. (Past Simple)
3) He will enter the Institute next year. (Future Simple)
4) Yesterday at the meeting the rector spoke of the needs of the Institute. (Past Simple)
5) Present. He usually goes to his office by car. (Present Simple)
6) Поставим сказуемое данных предложений в Past Simple. Переведем предложения:
1) The University trained engineers for five years. (Университет тренировал инженеров на протяжении пяти лет.)
2) We paid special attention to the development of hotel industry. (Мы уделяли особое внимание развитию гостиничной индустрии.)
3) Many tourists came to our country every year. (Каждый год много туристов приезжало в нашу страну.)
4) They made a lot of experiments in the laboratory. (Они проводили много экспериментов в лаборатории.)
5) He went to work to New Zealand. (Он поехал на работу в Новую Зеландию.)
6) It took us two hours to do this work. (Нам потребовалось два часа, чтобы выполнить эту работу.)
7) Поставим глагол, данный в скобках, в одно из времен группы Progressive:
1) When the engineer came in we were testing the equipment.
2) Scientists of different countries are working to discover the secret of thermonuclear reaction.
3) It was about 8 o'clock in the morning. Hundreds of people were hurrying to the plant.
4) Trade between countries is growing now.
8) Переведем предложения (Progressive):
1) Ведется крупномасштабное строительство в больших городах.
2) Земля всегда движется.
3) В полночь он все еще работал.
4) Когда я пришел домой, она читала роман.
5) Что ты делал весь день вчера?
9) Переведем предложения (Perfect):
1) Они уже пришли.
2) К 5 часам мы закончили переводить текст.
3) Он еще не видел этот фильм.
4) Мы закончим переводить текст до того, как ты придешь.
5) Я только что написал письмо.
10) Поставим глагол в нужное время группы Perfect:
1) Automation in our country has reached a high stage of development.
2) I have seen the cosmodrome.
3) The delegation will have arrived to New York by next Sunday.
4) Profession N. will have published the result of exploration by the end of this month.
5) He will have passed his exams before the holidays begin.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Ben says "I can't find my wallet." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "he" and the verb "can't" to "couldn't" to match the past tense.
2. Cathy said that she had never been jet-skiing.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Cathy says "I've never been jet-skiing." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "she" and the verb "have" to "had" to match the past tense.
3. Liam said that he would watch the documentary with me tonight.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Liam says "I'll watch the documentary with you tonight." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "he" and the modal verb "will" to "would" to express willingness in the past.
4. George said that they couldn't go out because it was stormy.
Explanation: In the direct speech, George says "We can't go out because it's stormy." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and keep the pronoun "we" and the verb "can't" as "couldn't" to match the past tense. We also change the pronoun "it" to "was" to match the past tense.
5. Harriet said that the volcano had erupted twice that year.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Harriet says "The volcano has erupted twice this year." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "the" to "the" and the verb "has erupted" to "had erupted" to match the past tense.
6. Chris said that he would probably study maths at college.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Chris says "I'll probably study maths at college." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "I" to "he" and the modal verb "will" to "would" to express willingness in the past.
7. Joe said that they could visit the aquarium that day.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Joe says "We can visit the aquarium today." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and keep the pronoun "we" and the verb "can" as "could" to match the past tense.
8. Mandy said that a new florist's had opened in town.
Explanation: In the direct speech, Mandy says "A new florist's has opened in town." To change it into indirect speech, we need to use the reporting verb "said" in the past tense and change the pronoun "a" to "a" and the verb "has opened" to "had opened" to match the past tense.