I am writing to tell you about my new house. It is so wonderful! I live on the outskirts of the town and it is far from the centre. It is two-storeyed building, surrounded by trees and flowers. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water. My home is a place where I can relax, and I come back with pleasure. There are three rooms on the ground floor: a kitchen, a living-room and a hall. The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room. There is a large window, a TV set, a sofa, two armchairs and a fireplace. My father likes playing the guitar here. It is very cozy room where all my family likes to spend time. On the first floor there are four rooms: a bathroom and three bedrooms. My room is not small or large. There is everything what I need: a bed, a wardrobe, a mirror, an armchair and a table with my computer. Also there is a big aquarium in the corner of the room. Now I`d like to say that there is no place like home. And I`d like to invite you to my house. I am sure that you will like it as well. It is a place you want to stay and want to return to. Alex, please, pay attention to my new address: 8 Mostovaya St, Moscow, 99703, Russia
The medical profession is very important obschestvu.S increasing environmental problems appeared more new zabolevaniy.Lyudi more susceptible to infection. This profession requires a precise knowledge of the anatomy and all signs of disease. Just as with the sun to treat new diseases kozhi.A whom? Course specialist skin diseases. Modern physicians need to keep up with the times, but sometimes, and in front of him! A new strain of influenza, and pathogens have not izucheny.Epidemiolog should urgently examine all the details and make a vaccine, warning or lechuschuyu FLU. Very important in the medical profession to be collected, concentrated and vnimatelnym.Na no error of law! Mistakes may suffer from ill. Doctor sounds gordo.I primarily because of the good work of doctors depends state of society.
Профессия врача очень важна обществу.С увеличением экологических проблем появилось все больше новых заболеваний.Люди чаще подвержены заражению. Эта профессия требует точных знаний анатомии и всех признаков болезней.
Только с солнцем сколько новых болезней кожи.А лечить кому?Конечно же специалисту по кожным заболеваниям.
Современным врачам нужно идти в ногу со временем, а, иногда, и впереди него!Появился новый штамм ГРИППа, а возбудители еще не изучены.Эпидемиолог должен в порядке все подробно изучить и сделать вакцину, предупреждающую или лечущую ГРИПП.
Очень важно в профессии врача быть собранным,сосредоточеным и внимательным.На ошибки права нет!От ошибок могут пострадать больные.
Врач звучит гордо.И прежде всего потому, что от хорошей работы врачей напрямую зависит состояние общества.
1) Who works in the garden every day?
Where does farmer work every day?
2) How much time has doctor been examining his patient?