She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Оксфорде :)
1. The police found that Bob Slant (c) had been living in London’s suburbs all that time. - Полиция выяснила, что Боб Слант всё это время жил в пригороде Лондона.
2. The students couldn’t do the translation because they (a) had not learnt special terms. - Студенты не могли выполнить перевод, потому что не выучили специальные термины.
3. Tom had not been informed that the lecture (b) would not take place on Tuesday. - Тому не сообщили, что лекция во вторник не состоится.
4. He said he (a) had found a job. - Он сказал, что нашёл работу.
5. They promised they (b) would train their own employees. - Они пообещали, что обучат своих работников.
ответ: have to go
has to take
will have to buy
has to wear
have to ask
had to
had to
had to