I study at school number(номер школы). My class is(какой твой класс)
My school is (big, small, cool, good (and so on))(на выбор). I like it/ I love it(тоже на выбор) because i have lots of interesting lessons and subdgects. I also have friends here. My favorite lessons are about art, music and languages. At the art lesson you can learn how to paint, and at the mathematics you can learn how to do tasks and exercises. I have got 27(сколько одноклассников) classmates. Our teacher's name is(имя учительницы). And director's name is (имя директора)
1.It was built in 1234 (это было построено в 1234)
2.the homework will be done by teacher (домашка будет сделана учителем)
3.English is spoken by many people (на англ.разговаривают много людей)
4.It is written by Mary (это написано Марией)
5.It was read by me (это было прочитано мной)
6. Apartment will be cleaned by mother (квартира будет убрана мамой)
7 A car was repaired (машина отремонтирована)
8 test will be checked by headmaster (тест будет проверен директором)
9 I was born in 2003 (Я родилась в 2003)
10Flowers have been bought by boyfriend (цветы были куплены парнем)