1. The library is open daily except Sundays. (Present Simple)
2. I used to eat a lot of chocolate daily but now I’m on a diet. (Past Simple)
3. To avoid any fines he had to make monthly payments. (Past Simple)
4. She was paid weekly when she worked at McDonald’s. (Past Simple)
5. Lectures will be held twice weekly until the summer holidays. (Future Simple)
6. The weather forecast says it will rain daily until next Tuesday. (Future Simple)
7. Mike had worked daily Monday through Sunday before he became a successful businessman. (Past Perfect)
8. He has been crying daily since he heard the sad news. (Present Perfect)
1. Библиотека работает ежедневно, кроме воскресенья.
2. Раньше я ежедневно ел много шоколада, но сейчас я на диете.
3. Чтобы избежать каких-либо штрафов, он должен был делать ежемесячные платежи.
4. Ей платили еженедельно, когда она работала в McDonald's.
5. Лекции будут проводиться два раза в неделю до летних каникул.
6. Прогноз погоды сообщает, что дождь будет идти каждый день до следующего вторника.
7. Майк работал ежедневно с понедельника по воскресенье, прежде чем стал успешным бизнесменом.
8. Он плачет ежедневно с тех пор, как услышал грустные новости.
in my free time i like writing some texts in english, this is so cool. when i go home, after hard day at school, i'm starting doing my homework, and i can't wait, when i can write the text in english, excuse my tautology. when my friends go for a walk and have fun, i'm writing the texts, like this; i can write texts for 10 hours. i could built a perfect card castles or i could create incredible domino rally. but instead of this i'm naturally create the sentences and make a texts of them in english of course. sometimes i going to a street and take some notes in my notepad, about everything, like what humans prefer to do. usually they do nothing, just pretending to busy with something. i have a second little hobby, which i do then i don't write some lyrics - it's collecting bugs and some insects. i just go to the forest and put the bottle traps, after i use special technique to perpetuate them. and also i love a dreaming.