С местоимениями I, he, she, it употребляется was, с местоимениями we, you, they употребляется were.
1. He was in London last year.
2. It was sunny two hours ago.
3. Kate and Anna were at the cinema yesterday.
4. It was very cold yesterday morning.
Отрицание с глаголом to be в форме времени (was или were) образуется с частицы not, которая ставится после was или were.
1. I wasn't at school ten minutes ago.
2. It wasn't very hot last week.
3. They weren't happy yesterday.
4. She wasn't hungry two hours ago.
Упражнение 2. Образуйте вопрос с глаголами was /were
1. He was in London last year.
Was he in London last year?
2. It was sunny two hours ago.
Was it sunny two hours ago?
3. Kate and Anna were at the cinema yesterday
Were Kate and Anna at the cinema yesterday?
4. It was very cold yesterday morning
Was it very cold yesterday morning?
Упражнение 3. Образуйте отрицательные предложения с was/ were
1. I was at school ten minutes ago.
I wasn’t at school ten minutes ago.
2. It was very hot last week.
It wasn’t very hot last week.
3. They were happy yesterday.
They weren’t happy yesterday.
4. She was hungry two hours ago.
She wasn’t hungry two hours ago.