Write an advert for an English textbook for sale of 50 words. Include this information:
- write what the textbook is and describe it briefly;
- say what level it is for;
- say how long you have used it and give its price;
- give your contact details.
2 haven't started
3 haven't done
4 hasn't won
5 haven't seen
6 haven't invited
7 hasn't washed
8 haven't tidied
9 haven't finished
10 haven't visited
11 haven't seen
12 hasn't taken
13 hasn't played
Схема построения отрицательного предложения:
Вс глагол ( have /has) + отрицательная частица not + основной глагол в третьей форме для неправильных глаголов или окончание -ed для правильных . Has используется с местоимениями she, he, it have со всеми остальными. Пример : He HAS NOT WON all his matches this year.