ответ: 1. How many phones do you have?2.is it an interesting job? 3. How much do you drink coffee ?4. Where is your brother from? 5. Do you work with computers? 6.
What do you read of magazines kind? 7.What does he do at the weekend 8.Do
you want drink another 9. Where does your sister live? 10. How do you that say in English.
1.(не понимаю но мб here) 2.he likes? 3.does you live? 4.does. job 5. You like? 6. Where is she work? 7. is your flat?8. You know 9. Do you go 10. Are you
Объяснениe: извини если будет где то не правильно:(
Хз, но кажется там все правильно
If mom asks me to buy groceries, I will go to a new supermarket.
I will help him if he asks me.
She will not go to the cafe with him if he calls her.
Tell her what happened if she asks.
When they come, we will drink tea.
If the weather is sunny, we will go for a walk in the park.
I can write a test if I work hard