I think a genious is more intelligent (in some subject) than an average person. He is very clever and very quickly understands things in this field. I also guess a genious must be curious to learn new things and like to study very much. (Я думаю, гений более умный, чем обычный человек в какой-то области наук. Он очень сообразительный и быстро все схватывает в этой области. Думаю также, что гений должен быть любознательным и должен любить учиться.)
To my mind, you can't become a genious. It's a God's gift. (Думаю, нельзя стать гением. Это дар Божий.)
Kate: 2) Neither have I. Yesterday I read the magazine “My Garden”. Mike: 3) So did I. I couldn’t find the information about tulips. Kate: 4) Neither could I. I am going to the library on Saturday. Mike: 5) So am I. I was in our school library yesterday. Kate: 6) So was I. I must prepare a report. Mike: 7) So must I. I will watch TV first. Kate: 8) So will I. What programme do you prefer? I don’t like talk-shows. Mike: 9) Neither . Let’s see “Mr And Mrs Smith”. My brother liked it. Kate: 10) So did I. I saw it last week. You must conform to the rules or leave the school. At the moment he is writing the story about a teenager who rebeled against his father. Why did Sarah reject her brother’s offer of help? Jamie could hardly wait to try out his new bike. I didn’t enjoy the movie because I couldn’t identify with any of the characters.
To my mind, you can't become a genious. It's a God's gift. (Думаю, нельзя стать гением. Это дар Божий.)