1) produce- производить
use- использовать
run out-
throw- бросить (have a negative meaning)
destroy- уничтожить (have a negative meaning)
damage- наносить ущерб (have a negative meaning)
waste- тратить (have a negative meaning)
reduce- уменьшить (have a negative meaning)
2) 1. the money you spend on clothes
I don't spend a lot of money on clothes. I don't understand the people who spend a lot of money on clothes that they never wear.
Я не трачу много денег на одежду. Я не понимаю людей, которые тратят много денег на одежду, которую они никогда не носят.
2. the different foods you eat
Today I eat a lot of different foods. I hope this does not affect my health.
Сегодня я ем много разной еды. Надеюсь, это не отразится на моем здоровье.
3. the money that people earn in different jobs
Some people argue that it is more important to have an enjoyable job than to earn a lot of money in different jobs.
Некоторые утверждают, что важнее иметь приятную работу, чем зарабатывать много денег на разных работах.
4. the things for teenagers to do in your area
The teenagers can do a lot of things what they want.
Подростки могут делать много того, что хотят
сорри, предложение получилось так себе
1) Sasha saw the cartoon “Shrek” yesterday.
2) I met with him at the market last week.
3) He helped them with their school project last week.
4) Tony was in New-York last month.
5) They were not at school last Sunday.
6) He didn't do his homework.
7) My dad didn't finish work at 8 o’clock yesterday.
8) His shoes were old.
9) Was she at school yesterday? -No, she was not.
10) Where was Sony last summer? -She was at the Black Sea.
1. I didn't drive a car yesterday.
2. You didn't buy the flowers yesterday.
3. He didn't come back home
4. She didn't clean her room last Friday.
5. I was not at home the day before yesterday.
1. Visited
2. Ate
3. Came
4. Wrote
1. My uncle didn't repair his car last Saturday.
2. Paul didn't present me beautiful flowers on the Women's Day.
3. I didn't go to the gym yesterday morning.
4. My mum didn't buy me a nice dress yesterday.
1. Did you drive your car yesterday?
2. Where did you sing last week?
3. Did she open the window?
4. Did you wash the flow last month?
1. My family visited Sochi last summer.
2. Did Nick draw a nice picture for his mother?
3. I and my sister didn't go shopping yesterday.
4. We didn't meet our friends last week.