Післятекстові завдання до теми «Покривна система»
Перекладіть слова приведені нижче, замініть пропуски цими словами зі змістом, перекладіть речення перекладіть).
4. The ……………….. is composed of at least two major layers of tissue: the epidermis and dermis.
5. The epidermis is the ………………………, providing the initial barrier to the external environment.
6. The deepest layer of epidermis also contains ……………………… .
7. The ………………………….. is the top layer of skin made up of epithelial cells.
8. The dermis is ……………………… of skin, composed of dense irregular connective tissue and areolar connective tissue such as a collagen.
9. The dermis has two layers. One is the ……………………. which is the superficial layer and consists of the areolar connective tissue. The other is the reticular layer which is the ……………………… of the dermis and consists of the dense irregular connective tissue.
10. The hypodermis, otherwise known as the ……………………………. , is a layer beneath the skin.
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