Я пошел домой пешком. Я купила билет в один конец. Ко мне подошла стюардесса и сказала время прибытия. Мне нужно было дойти до место назначения через 5 минут. Мне нужно было пройти таможенный контроль. Нам с мамой нужно было зайти в супер-маркет и сделать последние покупки. Маше нужно было оплатить перевес багажа. Меня взяли в попутчики. В аэропорту озвучили , что рейс в Осло отправляется в путь .
The main street of Kyiv is certainly Khreshchatyk and you’d better start your sightseeing there.
The street is not very long but very impressive. Khreshchatyk looks especially beautiful in spring when chestnut trees are in blossom. The building of this street began at the end of the 18th century. The first houses were wooden. The forming of Khreshchatyk as a street began in the 1830s-40s. Three-storeyed buildings with shops, offices and banks were built at this time. In 1892 the first electric tram in the country connected Khreshchatyk with Podil. At the beginning of the 20th century Khreshchatyk became the shopping centre of the city. During the Second World War Khreshchatyk was destroyed. While being reconstructed the street was twice widened and a lot of new multistoreyed buildings appeared. All the buildings are built after the same architectural design
but it was not until he had a good start and was