Read the text about our relationships through life. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the best word for each gap. There are two extra words you don’t need.
by after our from until to us as about up in
The relationships that are really central to our lives constantly change …………… we grow older. First, the entire world consists of ………… parents, and maybe an older sibling or two. When parents set …………… a play date with another toddler, we don’t actually play together, just side ……….. side. The extended family and relatives also appear in our reality. We realize that we are connected to them – but we don’t quite understand ………….. what way. Then we begin discovering friendships in the playground or in the kindergarten. Our parents begin ……………. worry that our friend are now more important to us than them. Some kids in kindergarten may even talk …………….. their friends as their boyfriend or girlfriend – or as husband or wife. They are copying older generations, using terms for relationships they can’t really tell apart …………….. their own friendships yet. Romantic relationships don’t really start …………… adolescence – or later. Teenagers also begin to wonder about their roles in society. The school years end and we enter adult life. We move out of parental home. We establish our own independent lives. We get married, have children – and we watch the same process again from the outside.
Moslo melt in a water bath and cooled.
2 dishes to produce eggs, pour milk, add butter, sugar, salt and a little druggies mix well until you segestica.
Thameside dough.
Wat dough pieces 100-150 g (portion of dough cut into 16 pieces). Roll out a thin sausage of about 1-1,5 cm thick. Cut into pieces the size of a hazelnut.
Wasteline oil to pour into the pot and reheat.
The pieces are immersed in boiling oil.
Fomicheva, fry until Golden brown (2-3 minutes) on high heat.
Hatosy the baursaks drain in a colander (or put it on a paper towel). To drain the fat.