Dan: I'm fine! And how are you? How was your summer?
Mike: Oh, it was OK. The weather was great, so I played football with my friends and we went swimming a lot.
Dan: Yeah, I can see your tan (Я вижу твой загар). You look great! Did you spend the whole summer in town?
Mike: Not really (Вообще-то нет). In July I went to visit my grandparents, they live in the countryside (они живут в деревне). And what about you? You wanted to travel to Spain, didn't you?
Dan: Yes, I did. I did go there. In fact I've just come back.
Mike: Have you? Please tell me about it! Can I have a look at your pictures?
Dan: Sure. Would you like to come to my place tonight?
1) Had you washed your hands before you sit at the table? — Ты помыл руки перед тем, как сел за стол? 2) I had not called my mom, so she called me ten times. — Я не звонил маме, и она позвонила мне десять раз. 3) Had Bob (he) ever studied Russian before she moved to Moscow? — Боб учил русский перед тем, как переехал в Москву? 4) Bob came home very early yesterday. Mary hadn’t finished cooking dinner yet so he waited. - Боб вчера пришел домой рано. Мэри не закончила еще ужин, поэтому он ждал. 5) The play had already finished when my parents arrived – Спектакль уже закончился, когда мои родители приехали. 6) I hadn’t bought the presents by that time – Я еще не купил подарки к тому времени. 7) Had the train arrived by that time? – Поезд уже прибыл к тому времени? 8) What present had you bought for her before she told you not to come to the birthday party? – Какой подарок ты ей купил перед тем, как она сказала тебе не приходить на вечеринку в честь дня рождения? 9) You had known the answer before I told you, hadn’t you? – Ты знал ответ до того, как я тебе сказал, не правда ли? 10) We had played before she came back. - Мы играли, прежде чем она вернулась.
Dan: Hi, Mike!
Mike: Hello, Danny! How are you?
Dan: I'm fine! And how are you? How was your summer?
Mike: Oh, it was OK. The weather was great, so I played football with my friends and we went swimming a lot.
Dan: Yeah, I can see your tan (Я вижу твой загар). You look great! Did you spend the whole summer in town?
Mike: Not really (Вообще-то нет). In July I went to visit my grandparents, they live in the countryside (они живут в деревне). And what about you? You wanted to travel to Spain, didn't you?
Dan: Yes, I did. I did go there. In fact I've just come back.
Mike: Have you? Please tell me about it! Can I have a look at your pictures?
Dan: Sure. Would you like to come to my place tonight?
Mike: Oh, I'd love to!