Преобразуйте в косвенную речь, добавив перед каждой фразой Grandma said that
"An old man and his wife lived at the seaside. They had been living in their ramshackle hut for 33 years. The old man fished, and the old woman made her yarn. Once the old man threw his net an caught a fish. It wasn’t a common fish it was a golden one. The fish begged the old man to let her back into the sea. She promised to pay big money for that. The old man refused to take the money. Then he set the fish free and went home."
2. a. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I’m the only child.
3. c. I’m not hungry. I just want a bowl of soup for lunch.
4.b. I was in London in 1996.
5. a. In my neighbourhood lots of blocks of flats and a supermarket.
6.b. I accept a hot bathroom and listen the radio.
7.b. On the roads are too many cars.
8.c. My sister’s husband is a computer expert.
9.a. In the fridge not many cheese but many tomatoes.
10.c. How is her character?
11.a. Я ем шоколадные конфеты, а мой друг читает мне романы.
12.b. Дети заканчивают школу в шестнадцать или восемнадцать лет.
13.c. Я ищу свои очки.
14. b. Женщина мне по дому и готовит еду.
15.c. Я обычно останавливаюсь в квартире одного из моих друзей.