1. I do not work tomorrow and we can go anywhere. 2. I will never forget your kindness. You were always so attentive to me. 3. - Where do you buy this carpet? a) - I have it since we moved to this apartment. b) - I have it since I live here. 4. I'm sure in a moment he will talk about his meeting with the champion. 5. Have you seen her today? - Yes, we met in the hallway, she told the latest news. 6. Do you constantly forget something! 7. - The rain is falling. - Really? When it started, and how long is? 8. Take a raincoat in case it starts to rain. 8. At what time the last train leaves? 9. Light is very rough today, although it is usually polite. 10. When I woke up, my mother was already up and preparing breakfast. 11. When he came, we went to the movies. 12. They went on the road for 3 hours when suddenly it began to rain. 13. He thought that his friends working together. 14. What will you do tomorrow at 8 pm? - By 8 o'clock I'll do all the lessons, and at 8 o'clock will play the piano.
время) 1) Did your friend play basketball in summer? Yes, they did. Твои друзья играли в баскетбол летом? 2) Did your friends lie in the sun in summer? No, they didn't. загарали на солнце? 3) Did your friends go to the country in summer? - Yes, they did. ездили в деревню (за город) летом? 4) Did your friends go roller-skating in summer? - No, they didn't. катались на роликах? Future (будущее) 1) Will your friend play basketball in summer? -Yes, they will. 2) Will your friends lie in the sun in summer? -Yes, they will. 3) Will your friends go to the country in summer? - No, they won't. 4) Will your friends go roller-skating in summer? - No, they won't.