I live with my parents in a panel house. Our apartment is on the 4th floor. It has one room.
We have large windows at home, so the room is bright. And when the sun peeks, it becomes very bright and pleasant.
Entering the apartment, first we get into the hallway with a corridor. There is a shelf for shoes and a wardrobe. There is a rug on the floor so that street dirt does not get inside. There are also doors leading to the bathroom and toilet. The toilet is small, but there is everything you need. The bathroom has blue tiles on the walls and a pattern with dolphins and drops. There is a rug on the floor so that the feet are warm and the wet feet do not slip. On the washbasin is a liquid and ordinary soap. On the shelf are various tools and accessories for dental hygiene.
Our kitchen is square. It has a gas stove, microwave and washing machine. There is an oven in the stove; sometimes mom cooks pies there. In the microwave, we only reheat food and never cook. At a small table, we just fit as a family. And when many guests come, we get a folding table.
In the room we have a sofa and a bed. I sleep on the bed, and my parents are on the couch. Next to the bed is a table on which I am doing my homework. It has a lamp on it that I turn on when I do my homework.
The walls are light green wallpaper. They do not get tired of the eyes. On the ceiling there is a beige chandelier in which you can put three lamps. The room also has a wardrobe for things.
A cat lives with us, she likes to sleep on the couch. Opposite the sofa we have a TV. On it, parents after work usually watch the news. Nearby is a laptop. Through it we go online.
I have a very comfortable apartment.
Dear Mrs Kenz,
I am writing to complain about an mp3 player order I placed through your website www.sunsarr.com on 14th July. Unfortunately, I experienced a number of problems with the product, as detailed below.
To start with, I ordered a RITMIX RF-7650 mp3 player and, despite the promise that I would receive the item within 3 working days, it did nor arrive 19th July, and it took another 10 days later. To make matters worse, when I eventually received the mp3 player, it was badly scratched. Furthermore, the product description on your site stated that a case was included, however, this was missing.
I am very disappointed. I would appreciate it if you could replace the mp3 player, and include a case. In addition, I feel I deserve an explanation for the delay. I am sending the item back to you together with my invoice.
I hope that this matter will be dealt with promptly.
Yours sincerely,
Ваше Имя и Фамилия
Уважаемая Мисс Кэнз,
Я пишу, чтобы на mp3-плеер, который я заказал(а) на вашем сайте www.sunsarr.com 14 июля. К сожалению, я столкнул(а)ся(ь) с рядом проблем с продуктом, как приведено ниже.
Для начала, я заказал(а) mp3-плеер RITMIX RF-7650 и, несмотря на обещание, которое я получил(а), что получу товар в течение 3 рабочих дней, он не прибыл 19 июля, а еще 10 дней. Что еще хуже, когда я в конечном итоге получил(а) mp3-плеер, он был сильно поцарапан. Кроме того, в описании продукта на вашем сайте указано, что чехол был включен, однако, его не было.
Я очень разочарован(а). Я был(а) бы признател(е/ь)н(а), если бы вы могли заменить mp3-плеер и включить чехол. Кроме того, я чувствую, что заслуживаю объяснения этой задержки. Я отправляю товар обратно вместе с моим счетом.
Я надеюсь, что эта проблема будет рассмотрена как можно быстрее.
Искренне Ваш(а),
Ваше Имя и Фамилия
1. It has been raining since yesterday
Дождь идёт со вчерашнего дня.
2. I have been using this laptop for three years.
Я использую этот ноутбук в течении трёх лет.
3. The girl has been learning her lesson since morning.
Девочка учит уроки с самого утра.
4. 'You look tired.' 'Yes, I have been running.'
— Ты выглядишь уставшим.
— Да, я бегал.
5. Who has been sleeping in my bed?
Кто спал в моей кровати?
Present Perfect Continuous употребляется когда действие НАЧАЛОСЬ В и ПРОДОЛЖАЕТСЯ ДО СИХ ПОР, как в предложениях 1, 2, 3
"Дождь идёт со вчерашнего дня"
Дождь начался вчера, и до сих пор идёт.
Либо если действие и НАЧАЛОСЬ, и ЗАКОНЧИЛОСЬ в но результаты видно до сих пор, как в предложениях 4, 5.
"Ты выглядишь уставшим" - результат
"Я бегал" - действие.
Образуется очень просто, после существительного идёт has/have + been + глагол с окончанием ing.