One day, sister's cousin came to meet her at school. After talking to him she returned to the class. At that time, the teacher was writing something on the blackboard. My sister didn't say anything and quietly went inside the classroom and sat down on her seat. After writing, the teacher went to the sister and asked her, "Who was he?". She replied with fear, "He was my cousin brother." The teacher again asked the question and sister gave the same answer. The teacher then shouted, "I am asking who was Galileo." The whole class burst into laughter when they came to know that both teacher and sister had misunderstood each other.
1)The most family, warm and joyful holiday is the New year. Everyone is waiting for new year's magic. Many believe that new year's eve fulfills all desires. Especially waiting for this holiday children, because it is them Santa Claus brings a lot of interesting gifts. People send Christmas cards to their relatives and friends, as well as make surprises to each other.
2) The most family, warm and joyful holiday is considered the new year, but for me it was not a joyful holiday,but just a day at the TV . I was waiting for a big fancy table with all the delicious food and gifts.I didn't spend this new year like I expected!
As the school comes to an end, we need to think about our future career. There are certainly many interesting and worthy professions in the modern world, but I think that people should choose what’s best for them.
For example, if someone is good at foreign language, why not to become an interpreter. If someone is good at maths, he or she can become an accountant or a financier. The same is true about me.
My teachers say that I’m rather good at maths, social and natural sciences. I have also good organizational skill, which makes it perfect for a manager. At the moment I’m at my last year in school, so I need to decide what type of institution to enter. I have made up my mind to become a manager. My friends and parents support my decision. They say I’m on the right path. Being a manager is an interesting and exciting profession. It is full of new twists and gives plenty of career opportunities. For example, at first I can be a lower level manager. If I work hard and show my best qualities, I can get a promotion and soon become a top manager.
My father works for one large company as a managing director and his job is well-paid. I understand that this work requires lots of responsibility but I’m ready to give it a try.
The main functions of a manager are planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. The level of difficulty depends on the size and number of controlled objects. Certain personal qualities are also required to succeed in this field. First of all, management is mainly dealing with people. As for me, I have good communication skills that should help me with my future job.
Так как школа скоро заканчивается, нужно думать о будущей карьере. В современном мире есть много интересных и достойных профессий, но я думаю, что люди должны выбирать то, что лучше всего подходит им.
Например, если кому-то хорошо даются иностранные языки, то почему бы не стать переводчиком. Если кому-то легко дается математика, то можно стать бухгалтером или финансистом. И я следую тому же правилу.
Мои учителя говорят, что я достаточно в математике, обществознании и естественных науках. Также, у меня хорошие организационные навыки, что идеально подходит для менеджера. На данный момент я учусь в последнем классе школы, так что мне нужно решить, в какой институт поступать. Я решил, что стану менеджером. Мои друзья и родители поддерживают это решение. Они говорят, что я на правильном пути. Быть менеджером интересно и увлекательно. Эта профессия полна новых поворотов и дает много возможностей для карьерного роста. Например, сначала я могу быть менеджером низшего звена. Если я буду упорно трудиться и демонстрировать свои лучшие качества, то смогу получить повышение по службе и вскоре стану топ-менеджером.
Мой отец работает в одной крупной компании в качестве управляющего директора и его работа хорошо оплачиваема. Я понимаю, что эта работа требует большой ответственности, но я готов рискнуть.
Основные функции менеджера – это планирование, организация, мотивация и контроль. Уровень сложности зависит от размера и количества контролируемых объектов. Некоторые личные качества также важны для достижения успеха в этой области. Прежде всего, менеджмент – это работа с людьми. Что касается меня, то у меня отличные коммуникационные навыки, которые должны мне с будущей работой.
One day, sister's cousin came to meet her at school. After talking to him she returned to the class. At that time, the teacher was writing something on the blackboard. My sister didn't say anything and quietly went inside the classroom and sat down on her seat. After writing, the teacher went to the sister and asked her, "Who was he?". She replied with fear, "He was my cousin brother." The teacher again asked the question and sister gave the same answer. The teacher then shouted, "I am asking who was Galileo." The whole class burst into laughter when they came to know that both teacher and sister had misunderstood each other.