Turn the following sentences Into reported speech.
6 'Have you had your hair cut?' he asked Jessie. It looks great. " 7 I'm bored, 'Peter said. This film is terrible. "8 I'm going shopping, 'Linda said. I'll be back in an hour." 9 "Bill wants to talk to youu, 'Tina said to the boss.' He's waiting outside." 10 Are you ready? ' Mother said to the children. 'It's time to go.' 11 I'm going to bed, 'Emma said. I'm tired. "12 Wait for me, 'I said.' I'm coming with you." 13 Open the window, 'he said. 'It's hot in here. 14 'Go away,' she said to them. 'I want to be alone. 15 What time is it? ' Bob asked. 'My watch has stopped. 16 Are you leaving now? "Sam said. 'I'll give you a lift." 17 I'm sorry I'm late. I lost my way, 'she said to us. 18 Who's there? ' she asked. 'Come in.' 19 "Did you miss the bus? ' he said. "You're late. 20 'Have you got an umbrella?' Liz asked. 'It's raining. 21 Ben: I've joined a gym. I want to get fit. Tom: Which gym have you joined? Ben: The Star Gym. It's close to my house, 22 George: Tim isn't here. He's playing football. Where is he playing? George: At the school. I'm going there now. John: 23 Eric: Are you busy? I need some help. Sonia: What's wrong? Eric: There's a problem with my computer. I can't get it to work.
My work day starts at 6:30. I wash, have breakfast, do exercises, collect a briefcase, get dressed, do my hair and go to school. Classes start at 8:00. The first lesson on Monday is our literature. The second lesson is nerd. In botany we have a very funny teacher. The third lesson is history, we often have group work on history. The fourth lesson is work. At work, we sew an apron. All lessons end at 12:30. My parents take me to the car and we go home. At home I eat, change clothes and rest. Then I do my homework, watch TV and get ready for bed.
Мой рабочий день начинается в 6:30.Я умываюсь,завтракаю, делаю зарядку,собираю портфель, одеваюсь,делаю прическу и иду в школу.Уроки начинаются в 8:00.Первым уроком в понедельник у нас литература.Второй урок ботаника.По ботанике у нас очень весёлый учитель.Третий урок история, по истории у нас часто бывают групповые работы.Четвертый урок это труд.На труду мы шьём фартук.Все уроки заканчиваются в 12:30.Меня забирают родители на машине и мы едем домой.Дома я кушаю,переодеваются и отдыхаю.Потом делаю уроки,смотрю телевизор и готовлюсь ко сну.