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Пояснення:Он отмечается 31 октября и датируется временем, когда люди верили в дьяволов, ведьм и призраков. Американские дети празднуют Ночь Нищих, как ирландские дети в 17 веке. Они одеваются в костюмы Хэллоуина и маски и выходят по Они ходят из дома в дом, прыгают на крыльцо, стучат в дверь и говорят: «Кошелек или жизнь! Кошелек или жизнь!" Почти все люди относятся к детям. Они дают им конфеты, попкорн, печенье и фрукты. Дети едят часть своей еды и несут отдых домой.
Результаты поиска
The most common trick when children don’t get treatment is soaping car and house windows. A favorite Halloween custom is to make a jack-o’-lantern. Children scrape out a pumpkin and cut out eyes, nose and mouth in it. They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. Americans began to use pumpkins for this purpose; in Ireland and Scotland those masks were made of potatoes and turnips, in England – of beetroots.
Самая рас уловка, когда дети не проходят лечение, - это намыливание окон автомобилей и дома. Любимый обычай Хэллоуина - делать фонарь из тыквы. Дети соскребают тыкву и вырезают в ней глаза, нос и рот. Они зажигают свечу в тыкве, чтобы напугать своих друзей. Американцы начали использовать тыквы для этой цели; в Ирландии и Шотландии эти маски были сделаны из картофеля и репы, в Англии - из свеклы.
1) What is she doing there? - She is cooking dinner . - Does she always cook it for the family ? - As a rule she does.
2) What are they discussing now? - They are speaking about their exams .
3) What is Mike doing? - He is translating an article from Russian into English. - Does he know English well? - Yes, he does.
4) Does he often walk to the plant? - No, he usually goes by bus.
5) - Where's Peter? - He is having his English lesson. - Does he always have it at this time? - Twice a week.
6) Mike does not speak Spanish. He knows Polish .
7) Don't go into the classroom! The students are writing a dictation there.
8) Shhh. The baby is sleeping. The baby sleeps for ten hours every night .
9) Right now I'm in class. I am sitting at my desk. I usually sit at the same desk in class every day .
10) Ali speaks Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but right now he is speaking English .
11) Can you hear those people? What are they talking about?
12) What does your father do? He's a teacher .
13) My parents live in Bristol. Where do you parents live?
14) Where are you going? - To the library. - Do you often go to the library? - Twice a week .
15) our teacher is not standing right now . she is sitting at her desk.
16) It's 6 p. m. Mary is at home. She is eating dinner. She always eats dinner with her family around six o'clock .
17) Alice does not take the bus to school every day. She usually wa