7. Complete the sentences with the following words. Put an article where necessary. volcano / desert / waterfall / island / occan / canyon / cliffs/ mountain / reef / bay 1) 2) Everest is the highest Sicily is an Niagra is the most famous Pacific is the largest Vesuvius is a in the world. Mediterranean sea. in the world. in in the world. , best known for its eruption in AD 79 which destroyed Roman cities of 6) Pompeii and Herculaneum, rises above Sahara is the world's largest hot and covers most of northern African of Naples. continent. White of Dover is the name given to the region of English coastline facing is the only living coral barrier reef in 7) Strait of Dover and France. 8) 9) Fish River Florida in Namibia is the largest canyon in continental United States. Africa.
2. c)
3. c)
4. b)
5. a)
6. c)
7. b)
8. a)
9. a)
10. b)
11. b)
12. b)
13. a)
14. b)
15. b)
16. Publish (публиковать), alone (единственный, один), musicial (музыкальный), university (университет), lollipop (леденец на палочке), adventure (путешествие), novel (роман, новелла)
17. Didn't we see the statue of Peter Pen yesterday?
18. Will my aunt publish her new poem?
19. Don't I like the capital of Endland (а вообще я не поняла 6-ое задание, как написать вопросы к предложениям, если эти предложения и есть вопросы? Объясните, и я исправлю, если здесь что-нибудь не так).