2. Дайте ответы на во используя новые выражения из Упр.1 а: What will you do if you go to Tech Camp? What will you do if you go to Sports Camp? What will you do if you go to Arts Camp? What will you do if you go to Adventure.
1. have dancing/ acting/ painting classes- 2. go swimming- 3. go hiking- 4. play a video game- 5. make a robot- 6. play volleyball/basketball/football- 7. make a webpage- 8. go rafting- 9. have an instrument- 10. have IT classes- 11. make a tree house-
I love to travel. It is so interesting to visit interesting places, parks rides. Visiting a city like I plunge into its history and traditions. Visiting a city or country always buy some souvenirs such mahnid or cup. Podoruzhuvaty is so interesting because you learn more interesting things about the world. A ain in countries such as USA, Italy can meet famous and popular people are very familiar with everything and everywhere.