Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your letter. I’m awfully sorry for not writing for so long because I’ve been busy at
school studying for my exams. How are you keeping?
In your letter you took a deep interest in my hobbies. Well, I do collect small things and most
of them are small figures of penguins. Frankly speaking, I like buying clothes on my pocket
money. My mother doesn’t like it and we often argue. My friends spend their money on going to
a cinema or on computer games. Isn’t it silly?
As I’ve heard you have just entered courses. What courses do you attend? Do you go alone
or with your friends? Do you enjoy spending your time there?
Well, got to go now.
Keep in touch.
Best wishes,
3. Can Hugh play the piano? No, he can't. (Yes, he can.)
4. Does Polly play the piano? Yes, she does. (No, she doesn't.)
5. Does Jim like to go to the lake? Yes, he does. (No, He doesn't.)
6. Does Rumbo love Jim? Yes. (No.)
7. Does Jim love his puppy? Yes. (No.)
8. Who is very good at football? Hugh is.
9. Who can speak French very well? - Mrs Dale can.
10. Shall we go to the cinema today? Yes, we shall. (No, we shan't.)
11. Will Lily come with us? No, she won't. (Yes, she will.)
12. Why won't Lily come with us? Because she is ill.
13. Who has to learn new words? We have to.
14. Has Mr Dale to go to London in March? Yes, he has.
V. Отгадайте загадку.
What animal has the longest neck? - The giraffe has the longest neck.
У какого животного самая длинная шея? - У жирафа.