1) Том сказал, что собирается смотреть телевизор
2) Кларк сказала что берет с собой маму на шоппинг
3) Билл сказал, что мы можем кататься на его велосипеде
4) Кейт сказала, что они сейчас играют на улице
5) Мэри сказала, что Джеку не нравятся пирожные
6) Сюзанна сказала, что ее брат готов идти
7) Мальчик сказал, что его сестра обычно ходит на шоппинг по средам
8) Учитель сказал, что птицы строят свои гнезда между деревьями
9) Сэлли сказала, что она не замужем
10) Кристофер сказал, что он не может учить эти поэмы, потому что они ему не нравятся.
The first media in England were newspapers and magazines. The history of the British press reckons more than three hundred years. Today there are more than 130 daily newspapers, 2000 weeklies and 7,000 periodicals published in the UK.First circulations were small because of the difficulties of transportation, illiteracy and strict censorship. The development of education, the abolition of censorship and the use of new technologies have contributed to overcoming these difficulties and allowed to create a system of the independent press of Great Britain.
If my train is late I won't be able to meet you at the airport.
If she hadn't driven so fast she would have noticed them at the bus stop.
He would tell you the truth ... if he knew it was important for you.
I wouldn't have given my plans up if I had known it was so important for you too.
We would buy a computer if we hadn't gone to the sea trip.
They would laugh at you if you told them about the accident.
You wouldn't call him names if you knew him better and were more polite.
I would have come to the theater if I knew you were there.
I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, so if I had seen it I could tell you more.
If I could speak with her in private, I would tell her everything in detail.