Поставьте глагол в скобках во временную форму Future Simple. Переведите предложения.
Образец: We ___ (not / study) in two months. We won’t study in 2 months.
___ (you / help) me with my homework tomorrow? Will you help me with my homework tomorrow?
1. They ___ (visit) us in a week.
2. ___ (you / come) with me to the party tomorrow evening?
3. He ___ (play) for our team next weekend.
4. I ___ (not / go) out tonight. I feel bad.
5. ___ (we / go) to the theatre the day after tomorrow?
№ 2 поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Simple или Future Simple. А так же переведите условные предложения и определите их тип (1 или 0).
Образец: If the weather ___ (be) fine, I ___ (go) for a walk. If the weather is fine, I’ll go for a walk. (1 тип). (Если погода будет хорошей, мы пойдем гулять).
1. If you ___ (win), you ___ (get) the prize.
2. If you ___ (stand) in the rain, you ___ (get) wet.
3. He ___ (call) her if he ___ (know) her phone number.
4. It ___ (be) cheaper if we ___ (go) by bus.
5. If people ___ (not/ eat), they ___ (get) hungry.
№ 3 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на во по тексту.
1. How has the internet changed our lives?
2. What can we find in the internet?
3. How can we use the internet for fun?
4. How else can we use the internet if we can’t leave our homes?
species of eagles: Golden eagle, Imperial eagle, steppe eagle, greater spotted eagle, Bonelli eagle, booted eagle, crested eagle, eagle-African warrior. Through our project all the mysteries to solve, and all previously unknown becomes simple and clear. On our portal you can learn about how the eagle became the emblem of Russia, which means the bird of the eagle in heraldry. You probably the question arises, how the idea of our website. Well, legitimate and deserves an answer. First the idea was to create a portal and dedicate it to someone, what are the eagles, to tell about their habitat, their physical similarities and differences, preferences in the choice of food, habits. the eagle was considered by us solely as a bird. Then, the idea arose to complement all this varied and interesting photos. But then, as we know more. The deeper was the acquaintance with these "magical" creatures – eagles, the greater the personal interest of the project authors in search and selection of interesting facts and reality of the "eagle"...